Recent Updates from the Global Spine Care Initiative
New Study Reveals High Prevalence of Spine Pain in Pimicikamak First Nation
A new study reveals alarmingly high rates of neck and low back pain among Indigenous adults in northern Manitoba, highlighting the need for culturally-safe care. Community leaders call for increased healthcare resources and culturally sensitive approaches.
World Spine Care Canada clinician completes 1 year of providing chiropractic care in Cross Lake, Northern Manitoba
World Spine Care Canada and the Global Spine Care Initiative are pleased to recognize Dr. Melissa Atkinson-Graham PhD, DC for her dedication to providing high-value spine care to the people in Pimicikamak, Northern Manitoba, Canada.
New Global Spine Care Initiative Report Highlights Importance of Collaboration in Indigenous Communities
A new research paper by World Spine Care and the Global Spine Care Initiative published in Implementation Science Communications describes the implementation of a spine care program for a First Nations community in Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada.
This research project is supported by grants from Health Canada (SUAP), the Canadian Chiropractic Association, the Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation, and the Skoll Foundation. Two chiropractors have provided treatments for people with muscle and joint pain at no cost for the past year. In partnership with the community, the project will also develop a program to encourage movement based on traditional dance.
GSCI Researchers share update on Implementation Project in Cross Lake, Manitoba
Last month, researchers of the Global Spine Care Initiative and clinicians at the new World Spine Care clinic in Cross Lake, Manitoba, were honored to present a webinar for the Chiropractic Rounds offered by the Chiropractors’ Association of Saskatchewan. Dr. Mark Labrecque hosted the webinar and invited Dr. André Bussières, the GSCI implementation project lead, to conduct the rounds.
World Spine Care Canada and Pimicikamak Okimawin announce a new collaborative project to improve access to spine care
World Spine Care Canada announce a new Global Spine Care Initiative project to reduce barriers to conservative spine care and minimize opioid exposure in Indigenous communities.
Improving Health of Patients in Remote Communities
The Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI) has obtained funds for a project in Pimicikamak (Cross Lake First Nation), Manitoba, Canada. This announcement is made in collaboration between Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, the University of Manitoba, The Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF), and the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA).
Global Spine Care Initiative project published in European Spine Journal
The Global Spine Care Initiative was convened by members of World Spine Care to investigate the unmet need for quality spine care in under-served, low- to middle-income countries.
The 4-year process has culminated in the publication of 15 articles in an upcoming focus issue of the European Spine Journal.