Recent Updates from the Global Spine Care Initiative
New Study Reveals High Prevalence of Spine Pain in Pimicikamak First Nation
A new study reveals alarmingly high rates of neck and low back pain among Indigenous adults in northern Manitoba, highlighting the need for culturally-safe care. Community leaders call for increased healthcare resources and culturally sensitive approaches.
GSCI Researchers share update on Implementation Project in Cross Lake, Manitoba
Last month, researchers of the Global Spine Care Initiative and clinicians at the new World Spine Care clinic in Cross Lake, Manitoba, were honored to present a webinar for the Chiropractic Rounds offered by the Chiropractors’ Association of Saskatchewan. Dr. Mark Labrecque hosted the webinar and invited Dr. André Bussières, the GSCI implementation project lead, to conduct the rounds.
World Spine Care Canada and Pimicikamak Okimawin announce a new collaborative project to improve access to spine care
World Spine Care Canada announce a new Global Spine Care Initiative project to reduce barriers to conservative spine care and minimize opioid exposure in Indigenous communities.
Update to The Lancet Low Back Pain Series mentions Global Spine Care Initiative
A recent article in the journal PAIN provided an update on The Lancet Low Back Pain Series. The Global Spine Care Initiative was included in this list of attempts to develop better system-level and policy approaches to address low back pain.
GSCI article included in the top 17 cited articles in global neurosurgery
A newly published article in the journal World Neurosurgery revealed the most cited articles in global neurosurgery. Included in the top 17 list is a paper that was led by Drs. Bart Green, Claire Johnson, and Scott Haldeman for the Global Spine Care Initiative.